Google's Pair of Dongles Protect You From Hackers.
Google's New Dongles Will Help Protect You From Hackers. The Titan Security Key Bundle is designed to make phishing attacks impossible. If you're worried about the security of your Google account and have $50 to drop, Google has a deal for you. The search giant just announced its Titan Security key Bundle. a pair of two security keys designed to act the second factor in two-factor authentication and make phishing attacks basically impossible. The release comes a few months after a Google spokesperson (calculatedly it seems) told security blog Krebs on security . that the use of such keys dropped successful phishing attacks among its own employees to zero. Now they are available for you. Google's Titan bundle is a similar implementation to already existing solutions like the Yubikey, where instead of receiving a confirmation code by SMS or using an authenticator app, you prove you are actually you by having a special, physical key on your person. The Ti...